A public forum for those concerned about the proposed expansion to the College Avenue Safeway in Oakland, and its irrevocable harm to Rockridge and Elmwood

Sunday, November 16, 2008

You know you're in trouble when your supporters call your store "gross"

Safeway continually falls back on the argument that because they have a modicum of support for a greatly expanded store, they should be allowed to go forward with their plans.  In a rather McCainesque manner, they have denied over and over again the fact that the community is strongly invested in preserving the quality and unique atmosphere of the College Ave neighborhood between Alcatraz and Claremont.  The opposition that Safeway runs into results from this denial, from their complete lack of understanding about the neighborhood and the people who live there.  Instead they trot out a total of five anonymous emails that voice support for their project.

It is almost absurdly funny to read these emails.  One is not much more than a sales pitch for the person's consulting services, one describes her refusal to shop at the current store because it is "gross", and one refers to the neighbors as crazy.  If this is what Safeway has going for it, one has to wonder when they'll start featuring photos of Todd Paradis field dressing a moose.

Here are the excerpts.
From Todd:
"Here are all the emails (not the ones we liked, but all) I received since yesterdays meeting.. I will not disclose the names because we do not have expressed permission. Please understand, we are telling the truth when we talk about the support that exists in the community."

And from the emails themselves:
I am continually embarrassed by my neighbors who want to keep this city as it has been for 40 years or take all of us out of our cars at all costs. I LEAVE Oakland BY CAR to grocery shop now. I hate going to mulitple places w/my 2 small kids in tow to get everything I need. Sure, I walk to so much here in Rockridge but if i need to do all my shopping at once, I will need to drive there to get it home and tote my kids and I want to get it all at once. Somewhere clean, nice and updated.
I stopped shopping at both Safeways in my area b/c they are so gross. I would LOVE a new, improved, large, beautiful place to shop and it would probably mean I would give MORE business to the merchants nearby who I never frequent at the moment. I don't actually know 1 person that thinks otherwise.

I really, really support your project. I grew up in Rockridge, my parents live very close to the store and use it all the time. They also strongly support redesigning the store to be larger and more urban.
I think you guys need to realize that your proposal follows all of the city's new rules for retail and transit-oriented development, and not give into to crazy neighbors who think that a gas station is the best use of a major corner. Developments in Oakland are not approved by a vote of the neighbors.
If you want to talk more about people and policies that support your vision, drop me a line. I'm a real estate and marketing consultant who has worked on controversial developments, and I'm also Chair of the City of Oakland's Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.

I appreciate the lengths that the developers are making to fit the new design into the community. It is a true shame that the voices of the vocal minority in Rockridge may spoil the needs of the much much larger silent majority.
I hope you are able to build a bigger store, one that helps with traffic, and that looks better than the current location, which means ANYTHING rather than what currently resides there. Believe me, most of Oakland and Berkeley wants a new store built. 

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